Skype is Bad Traffic

We believe that an anti-ad-fraud company should focus on one specific expertise. If you are a good “generic" anti-fraud provider, you will block all traffic coming from applications that are not browsers.

While this is true for desktop traffic, this cannot be taken for granted in the mobile set-up, in which traffic comes from both apps and browsers.

The question is what about apps like Skype? Skype and other similar desktop applications with a lot of ads will be blocked. Why? Skype has a lot of “valid” traffic. It is important that we understand that while it is a good app on the one hand, it is not a valid browser and will therefore be blocked by other "generic” anti-fraud companies.

This will result in a loss of a very good traffic source. We work differently, identifying the actual fraudulent traffic rather than blocking traffic based on simple rules of thumb.

Apparently, differentiating between app and browser traffic for desktop is not the silver bullet. In the meantime, a good anti-ad-fraud provider should understand the traffic well and know how to handle all sort of traffic firsthand.



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